march, 2024

24mar10:00 am11:30 amFeaturedPalm Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 10 am10:00 am - 11:30 am


Event Details

Join us for the start of Holy Week!  Share the Hosannas, the Palms and the excitement!

Notes from Heather:

Whenever I think of Palm Sundays from my childhood, I remember the thrill of prancing up the aisles with Sunday School waving palm branches made from newspapers. The organ played Hosanna, Loud Hosanna. There were very few times we were allowed to make noise in Church in those days, so this seemed so wonderfully rebellious to a child who tended to love making noise.

Times have changed, however the joy of waving palm branches and singing that well loved Hymn, still have the power to move many of us. We can imagine the cacophony of sound, the smells and the sight of people lined up waiting for their chance to see and cheer for Jesus. Jesus, this still mysterious man who was surely going to lead the people of Jerusalem into defeat of their Roman oppressors. Just as Peter wished to stay on the mountain top in a moment of glory, how must these folks have wished that this parade would go on forever; that this moment was just the beginning for them.
Of course we now, generations later know that this was not to be. In the blink of an eye Jesus went from the one who was ‘supposed’ to lead a great battle, to one who was mocked and crucified. Palm Sunday is also called Passion Sunday because together we hear of the events that unfolded so soon after the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.

As we gather to worship and remember we will move from joy to sorrow. We will remember how Jesus ate with his friends, even knowing that one of them would soon betray him. We will remember how those with power feared that even this tiny drop of power was being threatened. And we will remember how the people who had cheered their hero, soon shouted for his death.

Holy Week is not meant to tell a story of happy times in Jesus’ life. Holy Week is a time for us to stop and faithfully wonder at just how deep his love for us truly was…and is. It is a time for us to be astounded that God was willing to watch his beloved Son suffer; that we might have new life.

You will notice that this weeks’ worship service follows a slightly different order. This is meant to lead us from triumph to sorrow as we share in Holy Communion, remembering all who Christ is for us, that we might walk through this week in reflection and be prepared for the joy of the Resurrection.

In peace,  Heather


(Sunday) 10:00 am - 11:30 am


Sherwood Park United Church

20 Fir Street Sherwood Park, Alberta T8A 1Z6

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