march, 2024
31mar10:00 am11:30 amFeaturedEaster Sunday Service, March 31 at 10 am10:00 am - 11:30 am

Event Details
Rejoice for He has Risen! All are welcome to join us for Easter Sunday Service on March 31 at 10 am. Coffee will be served after the service. Here are Rev.
Event Details
Rejoice for He has Risen! All are welcome to join us for Easter Sunday Service on March 31 at 10 am. Coffee will be served after the service.
Here are Rev. Heather’s notes on the upcoming service.
An Easter Note from Heather
When the season of Lent begins, it often seems as though we will be waiting a long time before we celebrate Easter. These weeks are an invitation to us to reflect on the ways that Jesus’ life; his teaching, his radical new way of acceptance and of course his love for all is a sign post for us. Lent is a solemn time, however the hint of promise is never far off. And then, before we know it, it is Easter! We are again invited to become part of the story of Jesus’ life. This time, our celebration takes on a whole new meaning, as we proclaim the mystery of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Each of the four Gospels describe the astonishing events of the resurrection of God’s child. The stories are not the same, however their meaning is. Jesus is not here, he is risen!
This week we will take some time looking at Matthew’s version of the Easter story. Matthew includes an earthquake and the appearance of God’s angel. The stone has already been rolled away, and as the two Marys arrive to prepare Jesus’ body, they encounter a spectacular series of events.
Matthew writes his story with dramatic effect, and yet the story is the same. Jesus Christ is not in a tomb, he is risen!.
We all know the story, we have heard it many times. And yet, for some reason every year it is new. God has woven the Easter story into the very fibre of our being. Now it is our turn to hold onto it with thanksgiving and allow it to lead us to new life and new faith.
Join us as we sing, pray and give thanks that ‘Christ is risen’!
Rev. Heather
(Sunday) 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Sherwood Park United Church
20 Fir Street Sherwood Park, Alberta T8A 1Z6
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